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Food & Agriculture

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report —  a global assessment of food insecurity and malnutrition for 2020 and some indication of what hunger and malnutrition would look like by 2030 — released by Unicef in July 2021 cites that the Covid19 pandemic has exacerbated the world’s fragile food and nutrition security to the extent that nearly one-tenth of the world population – up to 811 million people — went hungry in 2020. Further, it is projected that around 660 million people may still face hunger in 2030.
Climate change, growing global population, rising food prices, declining soil fertility, water shortage, lack of adequate cold chains, high agriculture and horticulture wastage, among others are posing greater challenges in the way of the world’s concerted efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goal for Zero Hunger.
There is a strong felt need for multilateral organisations, government bodies, and industries to take strident steps and build collaborations to support food and agriculture systems that optimise production and minimise waste, to provide nutrition and promote health for all people.
Businesses are also called upon to create, deliver and share value across the entire food and agriculture chain from farmers to consumers.
Wellversed Media offers research and communications solutions to organisations actively engaged in 1) building and reinforcing food and nutritional security for countries, 2) building and strengthening regional and global value chains, 3) establishing agro-businesses, 4) promoting agriculture-related SMEs, 5) marketing of agri products.
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Pharma & Healthcare

The Covid19 pandemic has exposed the world’s acute vulnerability to viral and communicable diseases, while at the same time drawing widespread attention to the imperative of strengthening public health systems everywhere, and bridging the vaccine divide. At the same, a world report on the burden of disease by cause shows that cardiovascular diseases and cancer cases have been rising year-on-year, reaching 393.11 million and 252.39 million, respectively.
To improve the world’s public health systems, there is a strong case for building cross-border partnerships in the realms of pharma and healthcare sectors, promote collaborative pharma research, production and distribution, alignment of public health policies, and reaffirmation of access to quality healthcare as a fundamental right of citizens in their respective countries.
Wellversed Media undertakes research studies, and communications outreach in the area of pharma and healthcare sectors, focusing attention on
1) public health policy,
2) cross-border collaborations and partnerships,
3) primary and tertiary healthcare access to all,
4) promotion of startups in pharma, life-science & biotech.
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Space Economy

India’s space sector has the potential to gain double digit share of the $440 billion global space economy that in turn is expected to scale the $1 trillion level by 2040. More recently, Government of India has opened up the domestic space sector to private participation, setting in motion a new wave of entrepreneurship in areas like building and launching launch vehicles and satellites, developing satellite-based services and ground-level systems, undertaking R&D, and supporting mission services.
The space policies are also oriented toward promoting private investment opportunities, identifying new space technology applications, ensuring seamless coordination between the different space agencies, opening up overseas markets for domestic suppliers, facilitating cross-deployment of technologies, among others.
Space experts have also referred to greater commercial opportunities extant in the downstream activities of space technology and applications.
Wellversed Media is committed to partnering space-related organisations and industries in conducting business research, and communications outreach.

Blue Economy

The ocean economy directly or indirectly supports the livelihoods of millions of people, through fisheries, port and harbour services, ship building and shipping, logistics, etc. Oceans act as the largest carbon sink and produce around half the oxygen the world breathes. Estimates peg the ocean’s natural resources’ worth $2.5 trillion; seafoods provide the primary source of protein for about 3 billion people; and major global industries either depend on, or impact the ocean’s health.
At the same time, oceans are impacted by waste dumping, over-exploitation of marine resources, oil spillages and the like. Rising temperatures, pollution and acidity of ocean waters are threatening marine life.
Wellversed Media is committed to work with organisations that are actively engaged in the world’s Blue Economy.
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Green Energy

Renewable energy has an instrumental part in the decarbonization of world’s energy systems. In 2019, around 11% of global primary energy came from renewable technologies. The main renewables being: hydropower, solar, and wind, with biomass, geothermal, tidal being other key sources of renewables.
A Deloitte report states that “Rapid technology improvements and decreasing costs of renewable energy resources, along with the increased competitiveness of battery storage, have made renewables one of the most competitive energy sources in many areas.”
Wellversed Media endeavours to be the knowledge partner to organisations that advocate the development and promotion of renewables, while asserting our own thought leadership in this space.
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Sports & Fitness

The sports and fitness industry is growing exponentially in line with greater health consciousness across age-groups. While professional sports spurs activities like mega events & leagues, broadcasting, licensing, infrastructure development, talent development, and so on, private and amateur sports also result in the consumption of goods associated with sports such as sports drinks, foods, clothing, apparel and equipment.
Wellversed Media works with organisations for feasibility studies, business modelling, talent identification & development, policy advocacy, sports promotion in the semi-urban and rural areas, and brand communications.

Media & Entertainment

With a population of over 1.3 billion, India could potentially become one of the biggest media and entertainment markets. Global consulting firm PwC estimates India’s media and entertainment industry to be worth Rs 4.3 lakh crore by 2026, with the main growth avenues being OTT platforms, video games, advertising, cinema and newspapers. “India will become the biggest world market for print edition readership in 2025 and the fifth-largest TV advertising market globally by 2026, the report forecasts.
Wellversed Media monitors the trends and developments in each of the key media and entertainment segments, offers consulting services to companies planning for cross-border partnerships and investments, and brand communications consulting.

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Indo-Global Outlook

This section is dedicated to India-Global relations, we will be delving into the nuanced landscape of international connections and collaborations involving India. At Wellversed Media, we take pride in offering accurate and insightful analyses that shed light on the dynamic interactions between India and the rest of the world. Our in-depth research provides a comprehensive understanding of the economic, political, social, and cultural dimensions of India’s engagement with the global community. Do join us in exploring the complexities of India’s evolving role on the world stage.

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